VAT Schedule 01: Output VAT Schedule


Output tax is the VAT that is calculated and charged on the sale of goods and services from your business.

Fields Descriptions
Serial No. Running unique serial number inside the schedule file
Invoice Date Posted Sales Invoice date in MM/DD/YYYY format
Tax Invoice No Posted Sales Invoice No. (It should not be duplicated with any invoice number mentioned in previous periods)
Purchaser’s TIN Taxpayer identification number (TIN) of Customer
Name of the Purchaser Customer’s name
Description Description of the supply
Value of supply Amount excluding VAT amount
VAT Amount Should be equal to Value of supply * tax rate


Note: Include the total value of supplies made during the relevant period as one record. In case of two or more tax rates are applicable for a particular period, include separate record for each tax rates.

File renaming convention:


Note: Kindly use following Dummy TIN No’s those who are not registered for VAT

100902885 – Price Inclusive Invoices issued to Cash Customers

100902887 – Invoice issued to Government Institutions which are not registered for VAT

VAT Schedule 02: Input VAT Schedule


Input VAT is the VAT that is added to the price when goods or services are purchased from the Vendor.

Fields Descriptions
Serial No. Running unique serial number inside the schedule file
Invoice Date Posted Purchase Invoice date in MM/DD/YYYY format
Tax Invoice No Posted Purchase Invoice No. (It should not be duplicated with any invoice number mentioned in previous periods)
Supplier’s TIN Taxpayer identification number (TIN) of Vendor
Name of the Supplier Vendor’s name
Description Description of the supply
Value of supply Amount excluding VAT amount
VAT Amount Should be equal to Value of supply * tax rate
Disallowed VAT Amount Disallowed VAT amount should not exceed the VAT amount

File renaming convention:

VAT Schedule 03: Input VAT Schedule – Imports


Imports VAT is the VAT that is added to the price when goods or services are purchased from another country.

Fields Descriptions
Serial No. Running unique serial number inside the schedule file
Cusdec Date Custom declaration Date in MM/DD/YYYY format.
Cusdec No From Posted Purchase Invoice Header
Cusdec Serial ID From Posted Purchase Invoice Header
Cusdec Reg Date From Posted Purchase Invoice Header
Cusdec Office ID From Posted Purchase Invoice Header
VAT Deferred VAT Deferred as per the Custom Goods Declaration form
VAT Upfront From the Posted Purchase Invoice, Full VAT charged against the vendor
Disallowed VAT Disallowed VAT out of Deferred and Upfront VAT of the record


File renaming convention:

VAT Schedule 04: Debit / Credit Note Schedule


Both debit and credit notes (issued and received) details related to the same taxpayer should be included in this c

Fields Descriptions
Serial No. Running unique serial number inside the schedule file
TIN No Customer/Vendor TIN Number
Invoice Date Posted Sales and Purchase Credit Invoice date in MM/DD/YYYY format
Invoice No Posted Sales and Purchase Invoice Memo No.
Tax Credit / Tax Debit Note “Credit” or “Debit”
Date of Tax Credit / Tax Debit Note Posted Sales and Purchase Credit Memo date in MM/DD/YYYY format
Tax Credit No. / Tax Debit Note No. Posted Sales and Purchase Credit Memo No
Value of Tax Credit Note / Tax

Debit Note

Amount excluding VAT amount
VAT Amount Should be equal to Value of supply * tax rate (VAT amount of Posted Sales Credit Memo / Posted Purchase Credit Memo)
Issued by Me If the original invoice was issued by me, enter “Y”

If the original invoice was not issued by me, enter “N”

E.g., If the vendor issued the original invoice, the vendor would enter “Y” under this field and the purchaser (the receiver of such debit/credit note) will enter “N”


File renaming convention: